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CCTV penetration | Egyptian homes broadcast on the net

The professional secretariat (working in the field of security systems) requires us to mention a very dangerous topic and many are overlooked and that affect the security and safety of Egyptians and national security, which is the penetration of surveillance cameras in Egypt by some sites (most of them are Russian). Many Egyptians who go about their normal lives are reassured that there are surveillance cameras that are supposed to protect them from criminals, but there are those who are spying on them.

Insecam publishes live live footage of the surveillance camera in Egypt in various locations (Cairo - Giza - Alexandria - Al Badrashin - Al Mahalla Al Kubra - as well as many Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia and Jordan -) and their locations in detail via the GPS map.

The main factors for the success of these sites in penetrating surveillance cameras

1 - Poor quality of surveillance cameras (popular cameras)

Many different brands of unknown origin have spread in the Egyptian market, which rely on cheap cameras for marketing (most Egyptians prefer price over quality), which are easily vulnerable to penetration and which do not care about the safety factor.

2 - No password

Many citizens get easy when operating surveillance cameras and do not set a password. This is a necessary warning for the technician who installs surveillance cameras. The alert is on him (very important: the installation technician does not know the password)

3 - Responsibility for some breaches falls on the telecommunications companies because their role changes the IP on a regular basis and this happens all over the world (even Somalia)

treatment :

1 - The good choice when buying surveillance cameras and choosing well-known brands

2 - That the camera brand has its own mobile application (and this is one of the most important priorities as large companies use a mobile application to view the cameras on their mobile phone and their own server - from these companies Dahua, Hikvision and Yasorginal these companies use their own server even in Recently, the mobile broadcasts of Dahua Company were cut off from Egypt for a month due to the update of the server of Dahua International and its incompatibility with the Telecom Egypt server, and it finally worked after discussions between the parent company in China and Telecom Egypt). Even if you do not put a password, these companies protect the privacy of their customers

3 - Set a password. And this is necessary for anything that is uploaded on the net - such as mobile, email, and others - and it is not required that it be strong - and hacking surveillance cameras is entirely responsible for the consumer if he does not put his password.

Protect yourself from intruders

Your password is one of the best ways to keep you safe from hackers. Do not use simple passwords or default settings. This is one of the easiest ways for a hacker to access. If you find that your security or other settings have been changed, or if you notice that your devices are making noise or doing things that you did not set up to do, then there is a good chance that your security cameras have been compromised by someone.

A good password should:

Be long (with a minimum of 12 characters, although longer is better)

Use a combination of numbers, symbols, and uppercase and lowercase letters

Never use personally identifiable information, such as your street, date of birth, or email address

It cannot be reused

How often should I change my passwords?

If you have long, strong, and secure passwords, changing them once a year is likely enough. Research shows that having to change your passwords often causes people to use weaker passwords. The National Institute of Standards and Technology of America changed its guidelines in 2017 to recommend that people not be required to frequently change their passwords. However, you must change your password if any of the following occur:

The service you are using notifies you of a security breach.

You suspect that someone tried to access your account.

Finding malware, ransomware, or other unauthorized software on one of your devices.

You log into an account while using a public computer or while using an unsecured public Wi-Fi hotspot, such as an airport or library.

Other tips to keep your security cameras safe

It is always correct to clearly not place internal cameras in bedrooms, bathrooms, or other private places. If you are really afraid of being a monitor, unplug or physically cover the camera when you are at home. Consider choosing a camera that gives a physical indication when recording or in Live View mode so that you can always know if someone is watching in a jiffy.

If you are concerned that someone might use your wireless security cameras to exploit a vulnerability in your home network and gain access to other devices such as personal computers, consider creating a separate network using a separate router for your cameras. When the camera network connects to your home network (for example on your router), set up rules to ensure that an unexpected connection does not occur between the cameras and other devices on your home network, or between your cameras and unknown destinations on the Internet,

The most famous brands that have been hacked in the world according to the report of security experts











Webcam XP / 7

Therefore, we must educate people about the seriousness of the matter, we must not leave surveillance cameras connected to the Internet without activating the safety factors against penetration

Also use the default password (each company has an easy default password like admin - 12345)

Permanent vigilance mixed with security intelligence is a powerful combination. All organizations should look to reinforce these core components - internally, and when it comes to partnering with trustworthy companies. By working with vendors who put security at the top of their agenda, you can easily feel comfortable knowing that both the indoor and outdoor security cameras in your facilities will not be the subject of a social media theme and this is what big companies like Dahua, Hikvision, and Yasaugrnal are doing.

Raising the level of safety for the Egyptian citizen is our primary goal

Glory for security systems

Muhammad Abu al-Majd



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